Welcome to the MYMChess Virtual Chess Study!

Lesson 1:

  • The Chess board
  • The Language of Chess

Lesson Goal:

  • In this lesson, you will learn more about the chess board, files, ranks, diagonals, and most importantly the name of each squares.
  • Watch the quick video MYM Chess Coach RJ and practice with our interactive Chess pieces!
  • Now that you have watched the video. Practice it with the below interactive games!
  • Exercise 1
    1. Try to move the WHITE pawn to the f3 Square,
    2. BLACK will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly
    3. Try to move the WHITE pawn to the f4 square.
    4. BLACK will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly
    5. Try to move the WHITE pawn to the f5 Square,
    6. BLACK will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly
    7. Try to move the WHITE pawn to the f6 Square,
    8. BLACK will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly
    9. Try to move the WHITE pawn to the f7 Square,
    10. BLACK will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly

  • Exercise 2) 
    1. Try to move the BLACK pawn to the b6 Square,
    2. WHITE will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly
    3. Try to move the BLACK pawn to the b5 square.
    4. WHITE will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly
    5. Try to move the BLACK pawn to the b4 Square,
    6. WHITE will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly
    7. Try to move the BLACK pawn to the b3 Square,
    8. WHITE will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly
    9. Try to move the BLACK pawn to the b2 Square,
    10. WHITE will move automatically if WHITE moves correctly

That was easy, Right? You are one step closer to become a good chess player now that you have learned the board.

Don’t forget to take a screenshot of your final position and submit to your teacher!